Deacon's Dump Day: Saturday, April 12, 2025

Youth Game Night at the Church - Friday, 1/31/25, 7pm to 9 pm

Care Net Visit, Tina Rowley, After Divine Service 2/2/25

Sometime Saturday Coffee & Fellowship - Nirvana's Cup of Joe, 2/8/25 @ 9:30 am

What to Expect

At Grace, we hold dear the time-tested, reverent, biblical worship of God as being good for all his people. 


One of the very first things you may notice is that we treasure having children present for our worship services! We welcome their fussing, cooing, crying, and fidgeting because we know our Lord Jesus himself said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Parenting in the pews is a precious privilege. We want the children who attend Grace to learn to be as actively engaged throughout worship as the adults. 

We do recognize that this is a struggle for some. We have an un-staffed nursery space in the building separate from the Auditorium, where parents are welcome to take their young children when needed. The service is streamed into this space so that parents do not miss out. Additionally, we have a Training Room at the back of the auditorium which parents can use with older children who need a different space to learn how to be engaged appropriately throughout service. 


We call our worship services “Divine Services” because we believe that our Triune God meets with us and satisfies our deepest needs when we come to give him the reverent worship which he is due. The Bible commands us to “offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:28-29). We take this commandment seriously, letting scripture regulate and permeate all that we do in worship. Our services can be described as “traditional” or “liturgical,” and we sing using hymns from the Trinity Hymnal, psalms from the Trinity Psalter, and the occasional scripturally-rich spiritual song.

We look forward to gathering for worship on Sunday, the Lord’s Day, both in the morning and in the evening in order to worship our God and rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. These worship services are distinct services, not repeats, and are an appropriate way for the Christian to book-end the day of rest by meeting with our God. As the Psalmist says in the opening of Psalm 92, which is “A Song for the Sabbath”:

It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night…


By biblical conviction, we observe the Lord’s Supper each Sunday morning. We welcome all to Christ’s Table who call on him as Lord and who are members in good standing of a Christian Church. If you come to visit with us and have any questions about whether you may come to the Table, any of our Ruling Elders or Pastors would be glad to speak with you before service. 


Our main focus at Grace is relying on the Ordinary Means of Grace, which are the Word, the Sacraments, and Prayer. These are the things that the Lord Jesus has promised to bless, and so we want to commit ourselves to them. We value expositional preaching, we trust that Jesus does good work in his Supper and in Baptism, and we are committed to praying with and for one another — both praying throughout our worship services and committing time each week for a prayer meeting. We are all about the Ordinary Means of Grace, not programs. 


While the worship of the Triune God is a holy and reverent thing, and while our pastors wear simple black robes, we welcome you to come dressed how you feel is appropriate for church. Some wear t-shirts or polos and jeans or shorts, others wear dresses and suits. 

We welcome you to worship with us at Grace!